Accreditation for Teachers

Accreditation of Every Child Counts teachers recognises and assures the quality of their implementation of the Every Child Counts teacher-led programme,  Numbers Count.

Accreditation is awarded annually by Edge Hill University to teachers that demonstrate a high quality of provision and continuous development in meeting the Standards for Numbers Count Teachers  in accordance with published guidance. Awards are based on the recommendation of Every Child Counts Trainers, moderated by the University.

An Every Child Counts Trainer will gather evidence of Standards met that enables him/her to recommend the school and teacher for accreditation through:

  • school visits, including observation of and discussion with the teacher and discussion with the Link Teacher or Head Teacher
  • the teachers’ attendance at and contributions to professional development events
  • teaching and professional development files compiled by the teacher
  • data entered by the school onto to Every Child Counts online data system
  • other evidence as necessary, requested by the Teacher Leader.