The Edge Hill Archive holds a student newsletter produced between 1967 and 1973 (79 editions in total) called Opus (priced at 2½p!). It was largely text-based and in black-and-white but had a coloured cover. It included editorial comment, letters, jokes, articles on various subjects, forthcoming events and adverts for local businesses so it’s a great reflection of what was happening on campus and indeed more broadly socially among young people at the time. The 1960s and 1970s was a time of far-reaching changes when old ideas about morality, authority and discipline were being challenged and young people were making their mark politically through direct action.

During the 1960s Rupert Bear was already a well-known character and Rupert Bear Annuals were a popular Christmas present for children. Rupert Bear was created by artist Mary Tourtel in 1920 but in this cover of Opus a student artist envisages Rupert Bear leaving his parents in Nutwood village to attend Edge Hill and experience student life. The artistic work is great.

One of the pillars at the main entrance to the university can be seen in the image above and is still there. Similarly, the second sketch is a pretty good rendition of the original Edge Hill building which was built in 1931 when the institution moved from Liverpool and is still a commanding and impressive building at the main entrance.

If you were putting together the front cover of a student magazine, how would you make it attractive, relevant and possibly funny? You could submit your own cover to our Think Creative Archive competition.

So, Rupert Bear attends his lectures with his rather fashionable 1960s looking fellow students, although not all the audience seem to be giving the lecture the same attention.

Here in the student bar he is also taking up other opportunities offered by student life.

I wonder how he got on with his studies, was he able to successfully balance his studies with his extra-curricular activities?