My name is Grace Marks, and for the past four years I have completed an undergraduate degree in History, and a Master’s degree in Nineteenth Century Studies at Edge Hill University. However, it is only starting my PhD and Graduate Teaching Assistant role that I have had the opportunity to explore the Edge Hill Archives.
As part of my PhD research and experience I will be working closely with the Edge Hill Archive. My research is focused on ‘Friendship in the Archives’, and I am particularly interested in the Friendship Books, Guild Records, and College Magazine of Edge Hill’s earliest cohorts. I am fascinated by how the cohorts displayed their friendship and how they kept in touch after they graduated from Edge Hill College. I will also be working within the archive to help explore and catalogue the collection as part of my GTA role.
I am already involved in one project regarding the public relations aspect of the Archive, as The Archives and Records Association for the UK and Ireland have invited the Edge Hill’s archivist Dan, intern Jack, and myself to record a podcast episode with them about the Friendship Books. The podcast episode will be an amazing opportunity and is one of many I anticipate will arise from working within the Edge Hill archive as a new member of Research Catalyst.