Sustainable development can be embedded at any stage of the curriculum. This includes at the point of design, through to the summative assessment. Careful consideration of teaching and learning materials and resources can also ensure that sustainability is embedded into your curriculum. Sustainability can be embedded quite formally via summative assessments or more informally via formative assessments. The guide below has been designed to help you identify Where And How you can embed sustainability into your curriculum. Other forms of support for colleagues wishing to embed ESD into their own curriculum can be found via the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) website and through EHU’s SustainNET members.

Embedding ESD for 'Where and How' image showing table of content

What about existing programmes?

Sustainability is already a thread that runs within many programmes at EHU, to establish how much sustainability is currently being taught, existing module content can be reviewed and collated.

To map existing provision to SDGs the below Sustainability Analysis Template can be utilised alongside the ‘How and Why’ guidance:

Embedding ESD for 'Curriculum' image showing table of content