The origins of the 3D Parametric Modelling Project lie in the development of 2D time maps for use by historians. These are described in (Farrimond et al, 2001a), (Farrimond et al 2001b), (Farrimond, 2001) and (Farrimond et al, 2003). These provided the data model currently used to hold temporal data in ScenarioBuilder.
An early attempt to extend the time maps ideas to 3D is described in (Farrimond & Hetherington, 2004) and (Farrimond & Hetherington, 2005). The experience gained at that time of the difficulties of creating 3d models without specialist tools. led to the idea of developing our current tools.
The creation of data structures that would hold geometrical as well as non-geometrical data was discussed in (Hetherington et al, 2005).
The first version of our 3D modelling tool, ChurchBuilder, was described in (Farrimond et al, 2006) and an improved version discussed in (Farrimond et al, 2007).
The time maps used different approaches to enabling the historian-user to enter data about the event to be visualised. Both graphical means and spreadsheet data entry were tried but found wanting. An approach that made use of the historian’s natural environment of English prose seemed more appropriate. This led to the idea of the historian describing the event in English prose – a textual narrative.
The development of a tool that could parse a textual, temporal narrative and generate a visualisation was described in (Farrimond et al, 2008). Further developments of prototypes of this tool were described in (Presland et al, 2010) and (Hazlewood et al, 2011). This tool has since been refined into ScenarioBuilder and ThingBuilder.
Farrimond, B., Parkinson, L., and Pogson F. (2001). Modelling history with XML, In DRH 2001 and 2002, OHC, London. J. Anderson, A. Dunning and M. Fraser Ed
Farrimond B, Parkinson L and Pogson F (2001), Teaching with Dynamic Maps on the Web, BITE 2001: Bringing Information Technology to Education.
Farrimond B. (2001) Using Time Maps based in XML to teach History, ITTE 2001: Annual Conference of the Association of Information Technology for Teacher Education
Farrimond B., Parkinson L., and Pogson F. (2003). Cromwell in Ireland: A temporal database, Conference of Digital Resources for the Humanities
Farrimond B. and Hetherington, R. (2004) Using 3D to Visualise Temporal Data, IV04, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Information Visualisation, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, pp108- 117
Farrimond B. and Hetherington R.(2005), Compiling 3D Models of European Heritage from User Domain XML, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation, IEEE Computer Society
Hetherington, R. Farrimond B. and Presland S. (2005) Information Rich Temporal Virtual Models using X3D, Computers & Graphics, An International Journal of Systems & Applications in Computer Graphics, Elsevier.
Farrimond, B. and Hetherington, R. (2006) Developing a Parametric Approach for 3D Modelling Software. Proceedings of the Information Visualisation 2006. London: IEEE Computer Society.
Farrimond, B., Bonar-Law, J. and Hetherington, R., (2007) Kiddy CAD: A Child Friendly Parametric Approach for 3D Modelling Software. Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 2007. 4(1-4): p. 415-425.
Farrimond, B., Presland, S.G., Bonar-Law, J. and Pogson, F (2008) Making History Happen: Spatiotemporal Data Visualization for Historians, EMS2008, The Second UKSim European Symposium on Modelling & Simulation, Liverpool, England
Presland S., Farrimond B., Hazlewood P., Oddie A. (2010) Creating Complex Interactive 3D Visualisations of Naval Battles from Natural Language Narratives. Developments in e-Systems Engineering, 2010 (DES 2010), London England.
Hazlewood P., Oddie A., Presland S., Farrimond B. (2011) 3D spatiotemporal reconstruction of places and events for digital heritage. Proceedings of the 2011
Hazlewood P., Oddie A., Presland S., Farrimond B., (2011) 3D spatiotemporal reconstruction of places and events for digital heritage. Proceedings of the 2011 international Conference on Electronic Visualisation and the Arts
Farrimond, B. and Pereira, E. (2023). The Compilation of 2D and 3D Dynamic Visualizations. In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications – Volume 3: IVAPP, ISBN 978-989-758-634-7, ISSN 2184-4321, pages 150-157.