Presenters are asked to:
- arrive in the room five minutes before their parallel session is due to start (if the schedule permits),
- bring their presentation slides on a memory stick,
- ensure they review the timing guidance below for their presentation.
Chairing sessions at INPE 2024
Please refer to this briefing before the conference. A copy will also be available in each room.
Thank you for acting as a chair. You are playing a key role in ensuring each session runs smoothly and to time. In case of any technical issues during the session, EHU conference helpers will be available to provide support.
Before the session (Chair)
Arrive 5 minutes before the session is due to start to introduce yourself to the presenters.
Login to the computer using the guest log-in provided. If presenters are using powerpoint, they should bring their presentation on USB drive. Load these on to the desktop before the session starts.
Please brief the presenters that you will give them a strict maximum of 20 (3 person panel) or 30 (2 person panel) minutes to speak. Cards are provided for you to indicate ‘5 minutes to go’, ‘2 minutes to go’, and ‘STOP’ if needed.
Check the speakers are happy with your brief intro / pronunciation of their name.
Fresh water should be in the room for presenters; please ask student helpers if this needs to be replenished.
Introducing the session (Chair)
Explain the format briefly, i.e., 15-20 minutes presentation followed by 10-15 minutes questions per paper, or for sessions with two papers 25-30 mins to present, 15-20 minutes for Q&A.
Highlight the twitter/X details: participants can ‘tag’ us at #INPE24 @IntNet_PhilofEd @EHU_FOE
Highlight the use of inclusive Q&A (info below).
Timing of presentations in paper sessions
For sessions comprising 3 papers, allow 15-20 minutes for each paper, with 10-15 minutes for questions. For sessions comprising 2 papers, allow 25-30 mins to present, 15-20 minutes for Q&A.
The running order should be as listed in the programme unless otherwise requested and agreed by presenters.
Inclusive Q&A
Ask the audience to speak to the person next to them for a minute or two.
Remind the audience that questions may be taken in a different order to that in which hands are raised, in order to encourage inclusivity.
Ask participants to limit their questions to 1 per person