During January, Prof Cherith Moses held a series of meetings in Mahidol University, Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand. She met with colleagues to progress the work for two new research projects: (i) the Newton Fund, NERC-ESRC-TRF, research project ‘Thai coast: Coastal Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation in Thailand’ that started in October 2018 and (ii) the complimentary EHU Global Challenges Research Fund project ‘Climate Change, Coastal Erosion and Risks of Flooding to Low-Lying Coastlines Subject to Tropical Storms, Thailand’ that started in January 2019.
Prof Moses also took the opportunity to meet with colleagues in the Department of Geography in Thammasat University to discuss teaching and research synergies and to investigate opportunities for student and staff exchanges and study trips. She discovered that, like the Department of Geography at EHU, Thammasat University Geography Department carries out research and teaching in Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems, ecology and conservation, geomorphology and geology. Colleagues from Thammasat Geography department will visit the Department of Geography at Edge Hill in September to continue the conversation with a view to developing international opportunities for our students and staff.

With the Department of Geography in their teaching laboratory. Left to right: Miss Jinda Sae Jung, Lecturer; Miss Nithima Nuengjumnong, Lecturer; Associate Professor Dr Uma Langkulsen, Lecturer; Mr Kritchayan Intarat, Lecturer; Professor Cherith Moses, Head of Department of Geography, Edge Hill University; Dr Jiraporn Phornprapha, Associate Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Liberal Arts; Dr Daroonwan Kamthonkiat, Lecturer; Associate Professor Dr Kanchana Nakhapakorn, Mahidol University.