The Network will:

  • undertake research into autism and autistic experience (and allied conditions) according to the principles of Critical Autism Studies.
  • act as a centre of expertise and best practice with regards to positive and co-productive approaches to research.
  • inform discussions, approaches and decision making in terms of teaching, research about autism spectrum conditions and supporting students and staff who experience this way of  being by providing shared expertise and experiences.
  • foster cohesion by promoting the interaction and engagement of a diverse range of so-called ‘neurodivergent’ staff, students from all areas of the University.
  • support the Continuing Professional Development of all academic and student facing staff to help recruit and support more neurodivergent students and staff.
  • participate in university consultations regarding widening participation and the elimination of stigma and discrimination against ‘hidden disabilities’.
  • advise other college committee(s), e.g. Academic Board, to facilitate discussion and help ensure key decisions are informed by autistic staff and student experiences.
  • members may participate in relevant consultations to inform equality, diversity and inclusion activity and help gauge the impact it is having.
  • build links with Support Services to support their vital work and ensure the fidelity of support plan implementation.
  • establish and support a range of alternative knowledge transfer forums e.g. a neurodiversity reading group.