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Katia Adimora
Katia is currently completing her PhD at Edge Hill University with a focus on the political issue of immigration from Mexico to the US, and its portrayal in the US and Mexican press. Katia was a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Edge Hill University and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for the US and Mexico at Rice University’s Baker Institute (Texas, US).

Dr Costas Gabrielatos
Costas is Reader in Corpus Linguistics & English Language at Edge Hill University, and co-ordinates EHU CRG. His research focuses on corpus linguistics methodology, theoretical and pedagogical lexicogrammar, and discourse studies. He organises the annual symposium, Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar, co-edits the Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies, and curates the bibliography of Discourse-Oriented Corpus Studies.

Dan Malone
Dan is a PhD researcher at Edge Hill University investigating representations of the lone-wolf terrorist in the UK press using corpus linguistics approaches. He is interested in exploring language-in-use, particularly how concepts are discoursally constructed, the underlying dynamics of their (re)construction, and the real-world implications of their variations (i.e., polysemy).

Dr Valeria Occelli
Valeria is a Senior Lecture in Psychology at Edge Hill University. She is a cognitive psychologist specializing in multisensory perception, focusing on the interplay between sensory experiences and language. Currently, she is investigating the prevalence of vision-related terminology in UK media to uncover how these words may influence biases in social group representation and shape public perceptions.