We are now accepting entries for the 2024 Edge Hill Prize. We are looking for single authored collections of short stories published between 01 April 2023 and 31st March 2024.
Entries must be written in English and published by a UK or Republic of Ireland based publishing company.
Authors must be citizens of the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) or the Republic of Ireland, or have been resident in the UK or the Republic of Ireland for three years prior to the date of submission. Authors may need to prove citizenship/residency if requested to do so.
Submissions must include:
One PDF copy of the book, emailed to [email protected]
Three hard copies of the book to be sent to:
Billy Cowan
Department of English and Creative Arts
Creative Edge
Edge Hill University
St Helens Road
L39 4QP
Deadline for entries: All PDFs and hard copies need to arrive to the above address by 30th April 2024. Entries arriving later than this will not be eligible.