Student Mentor, Conor Gibson, currently studies BA (Hons) Education at Edge Hill University. Read his case study as to why he became a Tackling the Blues mentor.
Why did you choose to be a TtB mentor?
I chose to become a TtB mentor as a way to gain more experience in a school environment, whilst also learning key skills such as team leading and lesson planning.
What is it you enjoy about being a TtB mentor?
I enjoy the freedom to create a session from scratch, structuring and implementing creative and fun ideas I have, and translating them into a final session plan. I also enjoy getting to know the kids I work with through the weeks of the programme, helping to better accommodate their needs as we progress and I learn more about the group.
Has TtB contributed to your own mental health literacy?
TtB has helped my own mental health literacy, particularly when it comes to simplifying complex topics so that they are understandable to more people, particularly for the younger students.
Do you think TtB has contributed to your employability, if so, how?
I believe that it has, as it’s given me valuable networking skills with the schools I’ve worked with, whilst also developing my practice as a teacher and team leader. This is because over the period of getting to know the groups better, we were able to greater accommodate their needs, which meant working closer with the staff at schools to ensure certain things could be provided or change to better suit the group.

What have you learnt during your time as a Ttb student mentor?
I’ve learnt how to develop Mental Health sessions based off a curriculum, ensuring key information is passed onto the CYP to improve their mental health literacy.
Have you been involved in any of the TtB research?
Yes, I’ve taken part in key stages such as research distribution (of questionnaires at the end of the programme), answering research questions (in mentor feedback research sessions), and data entry (of student research information).
Would you recommend TtB to other students?
For anyone wanting to develop their practice as a teacher, absolutely.
What are your plans after TtB?
After TtB, I hope to pursue a career in education – most likely in a classroom of some capacity.