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Happy International Women’s Day! Today we also celebrated the end of a successful work placement by a 6th Form student from the Belvedere Academy in Liverpool.
Our latest review is now published in the European Journal of Neuroscience. Congrats to PhD student Ceinwyn Cooper for her first ever 1st author review. We discuss the therapeutic potential of using nanoparticles to deliver drugs across the BBB in dementia.

The Brain Barriers Research group hosted the 13th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium at Edge Hill University on 17th November. It was excellent to see so many brilliant ECRs from all over the UK present their latest research on CNS brain barriers and fluids. Many thanks to our keynote speakers Prof Egle Solito (Queen Mary University of London) and and Dr Reinhard Gabathuler (King’s College London) for two very exciting and insightful presentations.
The symposium was dedicated to the memory of Dr David Begley who had recently passed away. Dr Begley was one of Dr Patabendige’s PhD supervisors at King’s College London and was an internationally renowned expert in BBB drug transport.
Thanks to the Biology Department at Edge Hill University for funding the symposium and to Pharmidex ( for sponsoring the David Begley Excellence Award for Young BBB Researchers and Animal Free Research UK ( for sponsoring the ECR award for using non-animal methods for BBB research. Watch this space for the conference report.
Congratulations to PhD student Ceinwyn Cooper for receiving the award for the best Early Career Researcher Lightening Talk.
Read the latest invited review by Dr Patabendige and Prof Janigro on role of the blood–brain barrier during neurological disease and infection. Published in the journal Biochemical Society Transactions.

All the best to Nefeli Zorpa, Professional Training Year student from Cardiff University! Nefeli has completed a full year of training with us and will return to Cardiff to complete the final year of her degree. She mastered laboratory techniques and skills to set up a BBB model to investigate drug transport across the BBB to investigate BBB dysfunction in dementia during her time with us.
Dr Patabendige has been awarded a prestigious Springboard Award by the Academy of Medical Sciences to investigate blood-brain barrier dysfunction in atrial fibrillation.
Massive congratulations to Daniel Omileke who was awarded his PhD with no corrections.
Dr Patabendige’s latest publication on the porcine BBB model is now online. This gives detailed instructions on how to establish the model for CNS drug screening and BBB functionality studies.
Read our new invited perspective article in collaboration with Dr Ruoli Chen from Keele University on “Astrocytic aquaporin 4 subcellular translocation as a therapeutic target for cytotoxic edema in ischemic stroke”.