
Europia is a community development organisation committed to supporting, training, empowering and representing Eastern European nationals in Greater Manchester. Europia organizes community and well-being events, provides legal advice, connects individuals and runs projects aimed at improving the knowledge and skills European nationals need to live successful lives in the UK. Members of our CPI group are currently collaborating with Europia on developing a project aiming to improve the communicative advocacy of Romanians, Bulgarians and Roma in Greater Manchester. You can find more about Europia’s work here: Europia: supporting Central & Eastern European nationals

Manchester Communication Academy

Manchester Communication Academy are working with Dr Jennifer Daniel on a project about migrant youth, inclusion and individual singing in secondary education. This project echoes MCA’s ethos of supporting pupils from all walks of life to achieve through education. More about MCA here: Manchester Communication Academy | MCA


SOLA Arts are a Liverpool-based NGO providing a unique and innovative combination of community-based delivery and therapeutic approaches for vulnerable and displaced people. Its practitioners are trained and experienced art psychotherapists. SOLA provide therapeutic interventions, social support, and skills development to empower and cultivate self-agency with the aim of encouraging personal enterprise and enhancing employability skills. Together with colleagues at the University of Liverpool, members of our CPI research group collaborate with SOLA in developing a set of activities aimed at understanding and improving the effectiveness of art-based methodologies in combating the social isolation of migrants and refugees. Find more about SOLA’s activities here: Art-Charity-Organisation-Liverpool-England (