Members of the CPI research group teach specialist research-led modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Our teaching portfolio is supported by research generated knowledge that engages critically with issues of social change and policy within the creative industries at regional, national and global levels, and is under continuous innovation so that it stays relevant and offers graduates the skills they need to succeed.
At undergraduate level CPI research underpins several modules on the Media Degree BA (Hons) | Edge Hill University, such as:
MED2328 Cultural Representations & the Media
In this Level Five module we look critically at the cultural and ideological constructions of media representations. Media representations are never neutral, they play important political, social and cultural roles. The module therefore asks: What is representation? How does representation function within contemporary media and culture? What role do stereotypes play in the construction of individual and group identities? Students have the opportunity to research and discuss gender, class, age, ethnicity, race, sexuality, national identity etc. with reference to a range of media representations, from that of ‘distant others’ in disaster news reports to the representation of silver love in Christmas films.
MED3289 Politics & Censorship in Popular Culture
In this Level Six module students explore regulation and censorship, the history that defined the two concepts, the theoretical debates surrounding the subject, and several key case studies from popular culture (which include film, television, print and digital media, and other visual arts) that have been sites of contention. In this way, the module provides students with historical, contextual, academic and theoretical knowledge which will inform and develop their own opinions and attitudes towards media censorship and regulation in contemporary society.
Our research ethos has also shaped several modules on the Dance Degree | Study Degrees in Dance | Edge Hill University, Drama Degree | Drama University Courses | Edge Hill University and Musical Theatre Degree | BA Musical Theatre | Edge Hill University, among which:
PAR1301 and PAR2301 Applied, Community and Outreach Practice 1 and 2
In these project-based modules students are guided through the creation of a performative outreach project, via the study of performance interventions, their histories and practices, consequences and meanings. They enable students to study, devise and plan creative artistic practice and outreach in diverse cultural, social and political contexts and work with community, education and art groups.
At postgraduate level, teaching on the Film and Media Masters Degree | MA | Edge Hill University is entirely driven by the team’s research, approaches and methodologies and includes modules such as:
MDM4025 Media, Culture & Identities
This module provides a space to identify, discuss and critically evaluate questions of identity and to examine and problematize discourses around a range of liquid and in-flux identities. It engages with contemporary research-led discourses concerning ideology, the performativity of identity and the social and policy implications of media representations. Case studies range from ‘dangerous women’ in popular culture, to masculinities and lifestyle television, identities beyond the human, David Bowie and the recreation and performance of identity, colonialism and race from Jane Austen to booktubing, and undoing methodology through queer methodology and queer identity performance.
MDM4006 Transnational Media
This module analyses the key roles media play in the transnationalisation and cosmopolitanisation of knowledges and experiences. It examines how media are used by and reflect the increasing transnational experiences of both audiences and media practitioners (and indeed prosumers). It approaches the topic of globalisation, then, from two distinct but complementary perspectives: one focused on the workings and assimilation processes of the cultural industries, and one interested in issues of identities, influenced by cultural studies. Mobility, hybridity, postcolonialism and especially issues of power are the theoretical lenses used to explore the relationship between transnational media production, circulation and consumption.