Partnership Agreement Overview
The Edge Hill University Partnership Agreement is a legal requirement for the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) provision from the Department for Education.
Below are some key aspects of the Partnership Agreement:
- Edge Hill University will provide appropriate mentor training to mentors. It is essential that mentors attend the mentor training as per their initial assessment.
- Schools must provide Edge Hill University with mentor name and contact details prior to the commencement of each placement-this is a requirement from the Department of Education and Ofsted to ensure all mentors have the relevant experience and receive appropriate training to support trainees.
- Edge Hill University will inform schools of the Link Tutor who will liaise to ensure appropriate support, training and quality assurance.
- Edge Hill university and partner schools will work together to address and manage trainee teacher workload and to protect trainees’ mental health and well-being.
Edge Hill University works closely with partners to ensure the highest quality ITE is provide for all trainees, and welcomes partner involvement in the recruitment to programmes, and the design and delivery of its provision.
For further information please contact [email protected].