The North West Net Zero Hub is inviting you to join an evening webinar on the governance of community energy groups as part of their Community Energy Fund support.
The North West Net Zero Hub webinar will take place on Tuesday 16th April , 8pm-9:30pm via Zoom.
All are welcome to attend, but this webinar is best suited to community groups just beginning their journey into community energy.
Through the session we will share learning, explore why a group might want to get incorporated, the pros and cons of different forms of legal entity, the process of becoming incorporated and the responsibilities once the organisation is set up. There will also be time for you to ask questions about your specific projects. There will be speakers providing legal and cooperative expertise, and we will also hear from established community energy groups who will share their experiences.
Interested parties can sign up via Eventbrite.
The session will be hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Energy. (Please ignore reference to Wessex Community Energy on the eventbrite page.) For anybody unable to join but interested in the topic, please register interest through the Eventbrite link and we will ensure that you are able to access the session recording. For those of you receiving this in a networking role, that is one supporting groups and not directly delivering projects, please do pass this on to anyone that you think could benefit in the North West Net Zero Hub area.
The Community Energy Fund has recently announced a 2nd round of funding. All members of this mailing list will be informed when the application forms and guidance become available, but in the meantime you can find out more about this.
All the best and we hope to see you soon,
On behalf of the NW Net Zero Hub