Steve Rowe
Klimate Konnect
On the 1st December Koru Consulting and KlimateKonnect launched our Top Twenty tips to help address the climate crisis.

In the Reducing our Carbon Footprint section of the KlimateKonnect website, there are literally thousands of actions we can all take to address this issue. In fact there are probably too many, and that is our fault as we put them there. However, if we hadn’t people would have told us we’d missed some. So “be damned if you do and be damned if you don’t”.
Over the last few weeks we have compiled a list of actions that can:
- Reduce household expenditure
- Have the biggest impact on domestic and personal transport emissions
- Most importantly not cost a penny
No heat pumps, no solar panels, no more insulation, no radiator reflectors, no…… We are not saying you shouldn’t do these things. You should when you can afford them. Right now there are plenty of other things you can do.
Read our Top Twenty Tips hand out [PDF]