Dr Melanie Lang will represent the UK as a subject expert in the field of gender-based violence and abuse in sport in a new study funded by the European Commission
An Edge Hill University researcher will represent the UK as a subject expert in the field of gender-based violence and abuse in sport in a new study funded by the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
The project, which has been awarded a grant of 200,000 Euro, has a special focus on children and young people with an aim to establish a best practice guide for sports organisations across EU member states.
Dr Melanie Lang from Edge Hill’s Department of Sport and Physical Education said the study is a significant step towards developing guidelines for child protection in sport.
“As it stands currently, there are few laws or policies regarding the prevention of gender-based and sexual violence in sports.
“Child protection, whether it be in schools, homes or sports, is of the utmost importance, and we hope that by completing this study children in the UK and around the world can stay safe while enjoying the universal right to play and enjoy sports.
With a world-class reputation in safeguarding and child protection in sports, Dr Lang will serve as both a country expert for the UK and as a member of the expert strategic committee for the project, which runs until November 2016.
She will be joined by industry leaders from across the EU, including representatives from the National Olympic Committee of the Netherlands, and the University of Southern Denmark.