Gender-based violence in EU sport publication cover
Report on gender issues

EHU lead, UK country expert and strategic team member: Dr Melanie Lang
Coordinator/contractor: Yellow Window
Funder: European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Project grant: €200,000
Period: November 2015 – November 2016

This study represents the first attempt to better define and measure the scope of gender-based violence in professional and grassroots sports across all 28 EU Member States and comprises a consortium of researchers from across all EU Member State countries. The objectives of the project are to:

  1. Describe the current situation regarding gender-based violence in sport at elite and amateur level by mapping and collecting data in all EU Member States
  2. Provide an overview of existing and recommended measures and legal framework on this area
  3. Identify best practices in combatting gender-based violence in sporting environments
  4. Provide recommendations for policy-makers and relevant (sport) stakeholders in the area of gender-based violence in sport

The final project report is available for free download from the European Commission webpage.

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