Voices for truth and dignity – combatting sexual violence in European Sport through the voices of those affected.

Building on his previous research working with ‘survivors’ of child sexual abuse in sport, in early 2015, CPSS director Mike Hartill initiated a consortium application to the European Union Erasmus+ programme. This application was successful and became the VOICE project which ran between January 2016 and June 2018.
VOICE is based on the principle that policy and initiatives generated from the accounts of those that have experienced sexual violence in sports settings will be highly valued and, therefore, most effective in ‘reaching’ the sports community and promoting knowledge-transfer, education and development.
VOICE culminated with a conference in Cologne where many men and women chose to speak out about their personal experiences of sexual violence and contribute to a ground-breaking research study that has also generated educational resources for the European sports community.
VOICE is a collaboration between eight European countries and four European sport partners.
Colin Harris
A short film with Colin Harris talking about his experiences and explaining why he is supporting the VOICE project.
Gloria Viseras
“Today I help other athletes find the help they need to recover from the consequences of having suffered sexual abuse in sport and campaign for healthy and safe sport”.
Gloria Viseras – Gymnastics National Champion