Young people’s voices on safe sport

Infographic for Young people’s voices on safe sport project

Involving children in sport policymaking

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Olympic Studies Centre

Athlete- and Coach-led education for teaching about abuse and neglect in sport

This project investigates the implementation, outcomes, and transferability of an athlete- and coach-led abuse education programme.

Child Abuse in Sport: European Statistics (CASES)

CASES will deliver a scientific study into the prevalence of child exploitation and abuse in sport in six EU countries.

Gender-based Violence in EU Sport

A study to better define and measure the scope of gender-based violence in professional and grassroots sports.

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Prevention of Sexual Violence in Sports

Prevention of sexual and gender harassment and abuse in sports: Initiatives in Europe and beyond

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Sport Respects Your Rights

A transnational project developed to fight abuse and gender-based violence in the youth sport sector.

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Voices for truth and dignity – combatting sexual violence in European Sport through the voices of those affected.