As a University we are committed to protecting the environment and becoming more sustainably driven – principles that are being spotlighted during our Sustainability Festival next month.
To mark the occasion, we are delighted to invite you to our In Conversation with ecology alumnus Joshua Styles event on Friday 5th November where he will be discussing careers in sustainability based on his own experiences and offering practical advice for anyone keen to do more to help the environment or wanting to pursue a career within the industry.
The event will take place in our Tech Hub on campus at 12.30pm. Book your tickets and find out more information about the event here.
Since graduating from Edge Hill in 2017, Joshua has carved out a successful career as a top botanist and conservationist and founded the hugely successful North West Rare Plant Initiative (NWRPI) which aims to protect rare plants in the region. Joshua also makes regular appearances on TV on well-known shows such as Countryfile, Radio 4, BBC News, Sky News, Channel 4 News, and Atlas Obscura.
We look forward to you joining us.
TIME: 12:30-1:30pm
Hospitality 1:30pm-2:15pm, Friday 5th November
LOCATION: Tech Hub Building – the event is FREE you can book tickets here: https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/events/2021/11/05/sustainability-festival-in-conversation-with-joshua-styles/