Primary Professional Practice forms and examples

Weekly Development Summary

Completed once a week by the mentor in the weekly development meeting.

The Weekly Development Summary documents are pre-populated with the strand components for each week of the training. Download these from the Weekly comms page for your trainee.

The Weekly Development Summary is a record of the weekly meeting between trainee and mentor which captures the development that has taken place that week.

As part of the meeting trainee workload and well being is discussed and strategies shared.

The WDS allows mentors to confirm trainee is making sufficient progress OR identify if any additional support is needed.

WDS exemplars

3-7 Introductory

UG 5-11 Introductory

UG 5-11 Consolidation

5-11 PGCE Introductory

3-7 PGCE Developmental

5-11 PGCE Developmental

Subject Specific Lesson Observation Forms

SSP Observation Form Template

Lesson Observation Template for Core Subjects (English, Mathematics and Science)

Lesson observation templates for foundation subjects


Planning principles and templates

Lesson plan exemplars

Core subjects

Foundation subjects

Lesson sequences exemplars

Core subjects

Foundation subjects