Sustainability Festival Logo with info graphic of white leaves on green background

Want to know more about what climate change is all about, and are people changing their behaviour towards it? How much of my household waste is recycled? What is the future of renewable energy? How can we better look after our beautiful coast areas? Or want to just know more about sustainability generally?

Why not catch our many Talks the Festival has to offer you.

Details of each Talk, their times, location and people involved are provided under each Day Theme below. Click on the links to find out more information about the presenters or their organisations, or projects!

Move It Monday text, info graphic person on a bike with a green background

Monday 1st November


Online Event, #SustainableEHU


ISR/SustainNET Webinar, #SustainableEHU


Claire Blennerhassett – ‘Meet the Artist’

Arts Centre Foyer, #SustainableEHU

Together Tuesday text, info graphic hand holding a leaf with a brown background

Tuesday 2nd November


Kath McKinnon, Employability Advisor, Edge Hill Careers – How are graduate employers addressing Sustainability?

Online Event, #SustainableEHU


The Hub, #SustainableEHU


Online, #SustainableEHU

World Wednesday text, info graphic earth with a dark blue background

Wednesday 3rd November


Microsoft Teams, #SustainableEHU


Laura McGuire and Geoff Beattie – How to Avoid a Climate Catastrophe

Law & Psychology Room LP0.29, #SustainableEHU


ISR/SustainNET Webinar, #SustainableEHU

Thrifty Thursday text, info graphic 3 recycle arrows with a blue background

Thursday 4th November


Business School, room B106, #SustainableEHU


Joe Pusey (MRWA) – Recycling games

Business School, room B106, #SustainableEHU

Foot print Friday text, info graphic foot with a green background

Friday 5th November


Kate Gilmartin (Low Energy North West Hub) – Sustainable, local, community owned renewable energy

Business School, room B004, #SustainableEHU

Hospitality 1:30pm-2:15pm

Tech Hub Building, #SustainableEHU